Search All

Flatter Files now automatically searches all items in your library when you perform a search.  Previously, a search query entered at the top right only searched the library that was currently being viewed.  Now the search will return results from all of your libraries including the Assembly library.  These results are shown in a new library that appears that is simply called "Library."  The results for a simple search is shown below.

As you can see, the results are grouped based on the library they are located in.  The results that are displayed can be fully accessed and edited in the same mannar as if you were viewing in the actual items library.  For example, you can right click on an item and the same menu is displayed allowing you to perform various functions.

Performing a search of all items is the default when entering a query and pressing enter but it is still possible to search only a specific library.  To search a specific library, navigate to the appropriate library that you would like to search.  Enter your query and then click the magnifying glass that is located with the search field.  This will open a menu as shown below.

Click "Search Library" and the search will only return results located in this particular library.  The search results will be returned in the actual library that the search was performed.  To cancel the search such that all items are displayed again simply click the "x" button.

Internet Explorer Support

Flatter Files now works with both Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10.  Unfortunately previous versions of Internet Explorer will not be supported due to a lack of modern browser capabilities.  With this update, Flatter Files now supports all of the major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer).

Speed and Custom Libraries

Flatter Files has been updated today with a significant overhaul to the application to provide a significant increase in performance.  This increase in performance should be noticeable by everyone although customers with large quantities of drawings or documents will likely notice it the most.

In addition to the performance boost, Flatter Files now contains the ability to create custom libraries.  By default your account contains both a Drawing and Document library.  Now you can add as many additional libraries as you need to help organize your content.  All libraries can easily be renamed as needed and you can also delete any of your custom libraries.  Simply right click on an existing library to display a menu of the library options.

You can also easily move items from one library to another.  Simply right click on the item you want to move and then navigate to the "Move To" option.  This is shown in the image below.

The uploader application has also been updated to support uploading directly into any of your libraries.  The iOS mobile applications will be updated in the near future.  For the time being, all items even if they are in a different library will still be shown in either the drawing or document library when accessing your content on either your iPhone or iPad. 

Automatically Create DXF Files

Flatter Files now provides the capability to automatically create and upload a DXF file of your sheet metal parts for Inventor and SolidWorks files.  DXF files are commonly needed in a manufacturing environment.  With Flatter Files, you no longer manually must create and send the DXF.  Instead the DXF file can be accessed directly from Flatter Files.   There are two ways to download the corresponding DXF for a drawing.  The first is whenever you are viewing an item there is a download button.  By clicking the download button a list of the available downloads is displayed in the top right as shown below:

If the part is a sheet metal part, then the DXF option will apear in the list.  By clicking on DXF a zip file containing individual DXF files for each sheet of the drawing will be downloaded.  In addition you can download the DXF file by right clicking on the drawing from within the library view as shown below:

The uploader application has been updated with a couple of new options.  Anytime the SolidWorks or Inventor file type is selected then the DXF creation option will appear such that you can determine whether the DXF files should be uploaded.  In addition, you can now turn off the uploading of the actual native files for each item and you can turn off the uploading of the 3D geometry files.  By turning the 3D geometry option off you will no longer be able to view a 3D view from within Flatter Files.

These new options allow you to further customize the uploader's operation such that it fits your needs.  For example, if including the native files is not important to you then by turning off this option each upload will take less time.

EPDM Integration

Flatter Files contains a simple revision control and notification system for keeping track of you content.  This revision control system makes it incredibly easy for everyone in the organization to be able to view the latest revision at any time as well as being able to view previous revisions when needed.  Flatter Files significantly reduces the potential of an incorrect revision being used.  Some companies need more advanced revision controls especially as related to the managing of a workflow within a CAD department than what Flatter Files offers.  A popular software product that provides such a capability is SolidWorks Enterprise Product Data Management (EPDM).  Flatter Files is now integrated with EPDM such that you can get the best of both worlds.

Flatter Files integration with EPDM is extremely simple to use.  First, install the Flatter Files Uploader onto a computer that has access to the EPDM Vault.  The Flatter Files Uploader is configured in the same manner as before by configuring a folder to upload.  The folder should be within EPMD Vault.  There is now an additional setting for when using the EPDM integration as shown below.

As you can see, check the box for the option "This is a folder within a PDM Vault."  Then click "Configure Vault."  This will display the following screen for configuring the access to your vault.

Currently, "SolidWorks EPDM" is the only available PDM solution integrated with Flatter Files.  Therefore, it is already selected.  The next item is the name of your vault.  Enter the appropriate name.  The last item is the final state of your workflow.  When an item reaches this point in the workflow it is considered complete and will be uploaded to Flatter Files.  Once the appropriate items have been entered click "Submit."  This will return you to the main folder configuration screen.  By clicking "Add" the folder configuration is complete.

Now that the folder is configured for use with EPDM, you are ready to begin uploading your content to Flatter Files.  This works in the same manner as before except files aren't uploaded unless a new revision has been created from within EPDM.  In addition, once the file is uploaded it is automatically checked in and immediately available for viewing.  Whenever a file is checked out it will also appear on Flatter Files as checked out such that if anyone views the file it will notify them that it is currently checked out.  The result is that all of your content is available for viewing from within Flatter Files but all of your revision control occurs entirely from within EPDM.

If you are currently an EPDM user then it is likely that you already have many revisions for many of your drawings.  Flatter Files will automatically upload all of the revisions that currently exist such that all of your existing content is available.

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